Wednesday, 27 April 2011


Late yesterday saw the arrival of our first chicks at this monster seabird colony. The species? Mallard. Yes that’s right our dear old dabblers from the local pond breed in reasonable numbers (I’ve found at least 10 nests – however most are abandoned or predated) on Inner Farne where I’m based.

Today the wind again had a chilly northish feel to it which was compensated by the searing April sunsbine – rendering me sunstrokafied! Chatting to people about the Farnes in the sun takes its toll!

Wardens enjoying gripping views of Eider

Birdwise the clear conditions meant migrants were once again fairly sparse on the ground with not much moving apart from the arrival of 2 pars of Swallows which are always awesome to watch. Hopefully one or  both of these will find the chapel to their liking and stay.

Unlike the migrant birds, our butterflies (perhaps migrants themselves) benefitted from the unseasonable heat with a single Red Admiral still hanging around along with 3 Small Tortoiseshell.

Tomorrow the awesome camera of my dreams is being purchased so I’ll be uploading ‘crippling’ pictures of all the common, scarce…and, of course, the rares!

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