Sunday, 1 May 2011

Trip down memory lane

The last couple of days have been spent attending and achieving a powerboat qualtification in Amble harbour (a site where I've seen Glaucous Gull as a lad) which was uber awesome, but sunburn producing!

Whilst ambling around Amble various bits gave good views - 2 Green Sandpipers, loads of Hirundines and a rogue Kestrel getting jip. Realising that my favourite birding area ever, Cresswell-Druridge Bay, was just down the coast we hit it up in the beautiful evening sun.

And my god I love that area, so many birds, such beautiful scenery and generally gripping atmosphere gave us all massive smiles, helped by territorial Avocets at Cresswell and Gropper, Sedge etc at East Chevington.

Luckily the stonking easterlies decided to drop the rares on Fair Isles not Farne so little was missed here. However we're back in Farneland so here's hoping for some 'stonking megas'

Tomorrow we start our monitoring and settle into the routine proper with Staple opening first then Inner Farne so we get to get close to some little beauty seabirds! Canny wait!

Until then here's the stonkfest that is Druridge Bay/Cresswell:

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