Thursday, 5 May 2011

Some pictures...

Today saw a major shift in the weather from well cooked to rare. Sunshine that had baked us into submission has made way to rain and strong winds.

As a birder this weather is pretty exciting but we'll see if it bears fruit tomorrow morning! Besid weather geekfest stuff our daily routine is as wardens is settling with the opening of Staple and commencement of monitoring earlier this week. Now each team look after either inner or outer group so any cheeky migrants, common or rare, should get 'pinned'.

Anyway news. A nice northern Willow Warbler today was new (joining a normal individual) while the Little Tern roost has grown to 53. Other massage birds have been firly scarce due to the fair weather. These conditions have got many of our breeders, especially the terns, mightly horny.

So here's some pictures and eyes to the skies.

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