Friday, 9 March 2012

All Things Must Pass

Apologies for the chronic lack of redundantisms off late, the time of change is upon us. At a time of the year when life is truly blossoming death can be even harder to accept. But at least we can take solace in the bounties outside our windows.

Here on Scilly the seasons are changing also, and rapidly at that. Nighttime missions are inevitably produced silhouetted flickers of Pipistrelle bats while Bees abound nearly every available nectar source even on a cloudy day. However the much anticipated spring migrant birds have as yet, eluded me. At this time of year (as I'm sure any birder will appreciate) the arrival of spring migrants like the Hirundines (Swallows etc) or the first flute of Willow Warbler song as a very special event indeed and hint of the stonking summer season ahead.

Finally  it is the time for geographical change as I migrate northwards to the mighty Farne Islands for another summer season on this seabird paradise...and maybe a few rare birds too!

Here's some photos from recent times:

Now onto Cornwall for some R & R pre Farneness. Maybe I'll update with some photos of Choughs and their red hooters.

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