The nights have been as spanking as the days really look how fat that is!
The Dusky Warbler has definately decided it prefers hanging with the Carduelis and Fringilla Finch crew up at Harry's Walls where it is feeding on the deck along with some Goldfinch, Chaffinch and an iffy Chiffy.
Nice comparison with Chaffinch, allowing easy elimation of this confusion species ha
Iffy Chiffy. Very very nice looking bird, so good looking that its essence was captured even with my shady lens skills.
Other percieved species included Gulls species! Guess where I was hanging out? Yep the dump. Smelly and full of rubbish (and that's just me). Here's some more pics of Iceland Gulls and marinus.
Gulls, and rubbish.
Call me a Melaninist but I love White-wingers!
Iceland Gulls, not that they've featured much recently...ahem.
'What the f##k you looking at?'
Other news and shiz is the ever present wintering Chiffchaff in the garden joined by up to 19 Redwing and 1 Fieldfare over the past few days. Raptors haven’t been resting on their laurels either as Kestrel, Peregrine, Buzzard and Sparrowhawk all featuring frequently. Our scaly friends moths have also been reppin’ as they say in Ghetto with Pale Pinion and an extremely confused Dark Arches being highlights of late.
Pale Pinion - classic springish species
Dark Arches looking weird cos its totally phenologically confused.
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