Saturday, 8 June 2013

Pink and Yellow

Since my last, admittedly half-arsed post the weather has remained fair, passage migrants non-existent and breeding birds very much existent! Most stuff here now has eggs with a few minding chicks and a minority such as Rock Pipit actually fledging young already!

Classic views of a Rock Pipit incubating...think she's seen me...

As well as the breeding birds, the breeders to be have been putting on a mind-blowing display of pinks and off-whites, floral stonk!

Even if they weren't rare, I'd still love them, just stunning.

And finally after all these subtle shades, fork lengths and crippled spooning, I give you some gaudy colour to offset the Roseates. I woke up somewhat later than the 6am starts of late (as today is my day off, hence the time to blog!), to breaking news of a 'Willow Warbler' with dark legs in the Info Centre..marching down I began fantasising about rare southern Phyllosc's brought up by these warm SE winds, although I had a feeling I knew what this bird was going to be. Entering Info the bird lumbered against a window, Icky!! I dutifully landed allowing me to absorb the features required for confirmation and chased it out to get feeding, it had come a long way after all!

As you can see, it was in good condition, but the panting was disturbing, a sure sign of stress and fatigue. Fingers crossed it'll re-surface this afternoon and entertain us! 

Thursday, 6 June 2013


Wow. Busy. Understatement? Over underexageration more like. So much has happened, the first BBRC species this year. Breeding explosions. Genital implosions. Mental erosions. Speaking of the mind, mine is knacked beyond molecular identification so I'll leave you with the last two weeks in photo form:


Trying to count these!!

Rares! (Black-headed Bunting)


Farnes combo!!!




Holy Island rareness!!

Puddle stonk!! (Curlew Sand)

More scarce!!


Cabbage Moth!!

I will update more. Lots of love.