Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Long time no speak!

Que barrage of excuses about how busy life on the Farnes is, or how slow mobile internet?
Well excuses about not excusing myself aside alot has happened in the past month!

Ofcourse on the islands birds are leaving by the ton, progeny (young) in tow either eastish if you're an auk or southish if your a tern. However I speak ambiguously as I am currently away from the chosen land on holiday. But Farnes first.

The last month has been very m uch bipolar with hundreds of thousands of seabirds getting on with things professionally while migrants or annomalies have been sparse. Highlights for me are Black Tern (an adult chilled with the Arctics giving 'crippling' views). While Spoonbill, Roseate Terns, Manx Shearwatwers, Arctic and Great Skuas have all seasoned the quality Farnes flavour.

Besides birds moth-trapping is ongoing with a few nice things inclduing Hummingbird Hawkmoth (2) found by Jamie in the info centre, while Plain Pug in the trap was new for me. Pics to follow when I can find the enthusiasm to filter through 20+gb of data!

Right...current affairs; Scilly. Here, also, it's quiet although there have been bits and pieces seen including my holiday highlight this morning. A Large Tortoiseshell!

Whilst walking back from running errands in town I though I'd indulge my nerdy side with some 'entymology', basically jibbing at Butterflies undeniable beauty. In doing so I discovered this beautiful beast, new for me (and most others) and first in a long long time on Scilly.

More piccy stuff in the next few days.....